Maintenance Interval for Generator set
A. Level Maintenance Interval (Daily Maintenance)
- Check Daily Report of Genset .
- Check fuel level and coolant level.
- Check alternator for cracks or other damage, and the condition of the belts must be checked, flab or other damage.
- Check the Air filter. The air filter should be replaced when necessary .
- Release fuel tank and fuel filter’s water and sediment.
- Check the water cooling filter.
- Check starting battery and electrolyte, add electrolyte when necessary.
- Check the starter, check noisy defect.
- Use air syringe cleaner to clean the water tank, coolant system and cooled fin.
B. Level Maintenance Interval (Less than 400 hours):
- Repeatly check A Level Daily Maintenance steps.
- After operating 100 to 250 hours, replace the fuel filter. All the fuel filters should not be cleaned, it should be replaced. 100 to 250 hours is just flexible time, actually it must be according to the practice and real fact.
- After operating 200 to 250 hours, replace the oil & oil filter. All the lube oil must fit up to the CF Grade of American Petroleum Institute.
- After operating 300 to 400 hours, replace the air filter. The air filter can be cleaned with air syringe, or it can be replaced. The replacement must be according to the environment and real fact.
- Replace the cooling system and add coolant concentration.
- Clean the crankshaft and inlet, outlet air- filter net.
C. Level Maintenance Interval (2000-3000 hours):
- Repeatly check A and B Level Daily Maintenance steps.
- Remove the tap of valve, clean and wash oil dirt and sludge.
- Fasten snails from each part (including running parts and fixed parts)
- Clean and wash the crankcase, oil sludge, steel scraps and sediment with engine.
- Check wearing of the engine turbo, clean and wash accumulation of carbon, adjust it when necessary.
- Check and adjust valve clearance.
- Check PT pump, quality of injection, adjust injection process, adjust it when necessary.
- Check and adjust the tension of fan belt and water pump belt, adjust and replace it when necessary; clean and wash water tank radiator fins, then check the using capability of thermostat.
D. Level Maintenance Interval (3000-4000 hours):
- Check valve, valve seat and other wearing, repair or change it when necessary.
- Check P pump, quality of injection, repair and adjust it when necessary.
- Check and adjust connecting rod and fastening twisting torque.
- Check and adjust valve clearance.
- Check the trip of injector.
- Check and adjust tension of fan and generating belt.
- Clean and wash accumulation of carbon in inlet pipes.
- Clean and wash the core of air cooler.
- Clean and wash the whole oil lubrication system.
- Clean and wash room of rocker arm, oil sludge in the sump and Metal scrap-iron.
E. Medium Repair (6000-8000 hours)
- Including the items of minor repair.
- Disassemble generator(except crankshaft)
- Check the easy worn spare parts in pitman shaft system, gas distribution system, lubrication system, cooling system of cylinder, Piston, Intake and exhaust valve, replace them when necessary.
- Check fuel supplying system, adjust oil pump and injector.
- Repair and test the alternator, clean oil-sediment and lubricate the bearing of alternator.
F. Overhaul (9000-15000hours)
- Including the items of intermediate repair.
- Disassemble all the parts in the generator.
- Replace cylinder, piston, piston loop, big and small bearing bushes, trusting pad of crankshaft, intake and exhaust valve, a whole set of tools for generator repair
- Adjust oil pump, injector and replace pump core, injector
- Replace a whole set of repair tools for turbo charger and a repair set for water pump.
- Adjust the parts of connecting rod, crankshaft and generator body,repair or replace them when necessary.
Warranty Period
Warranty is limited with the functioning defects in the gen-sets stemming from the design, materials and assembly of the gen-sets during the period of 12 months after delivery or 1000 running hours, whichever comes first. Seller’s responsibility under this warranty is limited with the supply of the part(s) that are shown to be defective to the reasonable satisfaction of the Seller. Transportation charges for the return of the such defective parts to the Seller shall born by the Buyer and its re-shipment costs to Buyer shall be borne by the Seller. A gen-set or a part of it, that the Buyer or End-user claims to be defective may be examined by the Seller and, if necessary by RAWSUN POWER, for determination if this defect is covered under warranty. Buyer or end user will provide necessary pictures and all the requested information for Seller to understand the defect and its cause. In case the defect is covered under warranty, new or repaired parts will be delivered to Buyer. The repaired or replaced parts would be under warranty for the remaining warranty period of the gen-set.
Buyer shall be responsible for the installation of the gen-sets in accordance with RAWSUN POWER operation and maintenance manuals. Start up of the gen-sets needs to be done by an authorized RAWSUN POWER dealer and start up form needs to be filled in and provided when requested.
Whenever preparation for long storage is to be made, this must be done by the authorized RAWSUN POWER workshops and clearly mentioned in the initial order. The removal from long storage must be carried out by the authorized RAWSUN POWER workshops.
This Warranty Shall Not Apply To The Following: · The operation and maintenance of the gen-set not in accordance with the RAWSUN POWER operation and maintenance manual. · Any failure caused by contaminated fuels, oils, coolants/antifreeze or lack of proper fuels, oils or coolants/antifreeze (including any failure caused by using JP8 fuel). · Gen-sets that are modified or altered in a manner not authorized by RAWSUN POWER in writing. · Failures due, but not limited to, normal wear and tear, accident, misuse, abuse, negligence, or improper installation or sizing. · Any incidental, consequential or indirect damages caused by defects in materials or workmanship, or any delay in repair or replacement of the defective part(s). · Failures caused by any external cause or act of God such as, but not limited to, collision, fire, theft, freezing, vandalism, riot or wars, lightning, earthquake, windstorm, hail, volcanic eruption, water or flood, tornado, hurricane, terrorist acts or nuclear holocaust.[/vc